Kitesurfing Portugal – Kite Voodoo

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    Learn Kitesurfing in Portugal with Kitevoodoo your kitesurf and wing premium school on the windiest spot of Europe, Viana do Castelo

    Learn kitesurfing… Welcome to the exhilarating world of kitesurfing group lesson! If you’ve ever dreamt of harnessing the power of the wind and gliding effortlessly over the waves, you’re in the right place.

    We believe that the ocean is the ultimate playground, and with the right knowledge and techniques, you can turn it into your personal arena of adventure. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker, water enthusiast, or someone looking to try something new, kitesurfing awaits you, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

    At KiteVoodoo are goal is to guide every student to become a truly independant rider to ensure you can ride at any spot, allowing you to enjoy kitesurfing in various conditions without limit. Therefore our dedicated team of instructors brings years of experience to ensure that your learning curve is fast & smooth,  and the experience is not only educational but also a lot of fun.



    Learning kitesurfing can vary in difficulty depending on several factors, including individual aptitude, fitness level, and the quality of instruction during the lessons. While it is considered an exhilarating and rewarding water sport, it does come with a learning curve. Here are some factors to consider:

    1. Skills Required: Kitesurfing involves a combination of skills from various water and wind sports, such as kite control, board riding, and understanding wind conditions. If you already have experience in related sports like windsurfing or wakeboarding, you may find the transition smoother.

    2. Physical Fitness: Kitesurfing requires a reasonable level of physical fitness. Strength, endurance, and core stability are beneficial for controlling the kite and maintaining balance on the board. Regular exercise and strength training can help prepare your body for the physical demands of the sport.

    3. Quality of Instruction: Having a skilled and experienced instructor can significantly impact the learning process. A good instructor will guide you through the basics, help you understand safety measures, and provide valuable tips to accelerate your progress.

    4. Patience and Persistence: Like any skill-based sport, kitesurfing requires patience and persistence. It’s normal to face challenges and setbacks during the learning process, but the key is to stay motivated and keep practicing.

    5. Safety Awareness: Safety is paramount in kitesurfing. Understanding the wind conditions, knowing how to use safety systems, and following proper procedures are crucial for a safe learning experience.

    While some individuals may pick up kitesurfing group lesson quickly, others may take more time to feel comfortable on the water. The most important aspect is to approach it with a positive mindset, follow safety guidelines, and enjoy the learning journey. Taking lessons from certified instructors and practicing in suitable conditions will contribute to a more enjoyable and successful learning experience.


    Best air temperature, water temperature, wind direction, best kitesurfing spot in Portugal near Porto, Viana do Castelo, praia do Cabedelo, kitesurfing school - KiteVoodoo

    The cost of learning kitesurfing can vary based on several factors, including the location, the quality of instruction, and the duration of the lessons. Here are some cost considerations:

    1. Lessons: Most people start by taking lessons from certified kitesurfing instructors. Prices for lessons can vary, but on average, you might expect to pay anywhere from 60€ to 150€ per hour for individual or group lessons. Many beginners opt for a package that includes multiple hours of instruction.

    2. Equipment Rental: If you don’t have your own kitesurfing equipment, you may need to rent it. Rental costs can vary, but you might spend around €50 to €150 per day for kite and board rental.

    3. Gear Purchase: If you decide to pursue kitesurfing regularly, you’ll likely want to invest in your own gear. The cost of kites, boards, harnesses, and other necessary equipment can range from €1,000 to €3,000 or more, depending on the brand and quality of the equipment.

    4. Additional Costs: Factor in additional costs such as wetsuits, harnesses, safety gear, and accessories. These costs can vary, but budgeting an additional €500 to €1000 for these items is a rough estimate.

    5. Location: The cost of learning kitesurfing may also vary based on the location. In popular kitesurfing destinations, prices might be higher due to increased demand and the availability of experienced instructors.

    Keep in mind that these are general estimates, and prices can vary widely. It’s advisable to check with local kitesurfing schools and rental shops to get specific pricing for your location. Additionally, consider the value of quality instruction and safety when choosing a kitesurfing school, as investing in a reputable school can enhance your learning experience and safety on the water.


    When choosing a place to learn kitesurfing, it’s crucial to prioritize professional schools with certified instructors to ensure a safe and effective learning experience. Here are some general guidelines on how to choose the best place:

    1. Certified Instructors:

      • Look for schools that employ certified kitesurfing instructors. Instructors with certifications from organizations like the International Kiteboarding Organization (IKO) or other recognized bodies have undergone training to teach kitesurfing safely.
    2. School Reputation:

      • Research the reputation of the kitesurfing school. Read reviews, testimonials, or ask for recommendations from other kitesurfers. A school with positive feedback and a good reputation is more likely to provide quality instruction.
    3. Safety Standards:

      • Check if the school adheres to strict safety standards. This includes having proper safety equipment, well-maintained gear, and clear safety protocols. A focus on safety is essential for a positive learning experience.
    4. Lesson Packages:

      • Consider schools that offer comprehensive lesson packages. These packages often include a series of lessons to take you from beginner to a more advanced level. This structured approach ensures a gradual and thorough learning process.
    5. Location Conditions:

      • Choose a school located in an area with suitable conditions for learning. Look for locations with consistent wind, shallow water, and a spacious beach area. These conditions make it easier for beginners to practice and progress.
    6. Equipment Quality:

      • Inquire about the quality of the kitesurfing equipment provided by the school. Well-maintained and up-to-date gear can contribute to a smoother learning experience.
    7. Insurance Coverage:

      • Check if the school and instructors have liability insurance. This ensures that you are covered in case of any accidents or injuries during the learning process.
    8. Lesson Duration and Structure:

      • Find out the duration and structure of the lessons. Longer lessons or multi-day courses may provide more comprehensive learning experiences. A well-structured curriculum should cover both theoretical and practical aspects of kitesurfing.

    By considering these factors, you increase the likelihood of having a positive and safe learning experience with certified instructors in a professional kitesurfing school, regardless of the specific location.

    waterstart au démarrage avec planche de kitesurf école de kite kitevoodoo


    Identifying the best place to learn kitesurfing involves considering several factors, including accessibility, international flights, proximity to an airport, reliable wind conditions, good infrastructure, and the presence of professional schools. While specific locations can vary based on individual preferences, the following characteristics are generally desirable for an ideal kitesurfing learning destination:

    Reliable Wind Conditions:

    Opt for a region known for consistent and reliable wind conditions, as this is crucial for effective kitesurfing lessons. A destination with a reputation for steady winds is ideal for learning and practicing.

    Good Infrastructure:

    Consider destinations with well-established kitesurfing infrastructure, including schools, rental facilities, and accommodation options. A supportive infrastructure can enhance your overall learning experience.

    Professional Schools and Instructors:

    Seek out locations with reputable kitesurfing schools that employ certified and experienced instructors. A professional learning environment is essential for acquiring the necessary skills safely and efficiently.

    Diverse Learning Conditions:

    Look for destinations that offer a variety of learning conditions, such as shallow water areas for beginners and more challenging conditions for advancing skills. This diversity allows for a well-rounded learning experience.

    Community Support:

    Consider destinations with a vibrant kitesurfing community. This not only provides a supportive atmosphere but also opens up opportunities for networking, sharing experiences, and accessing local knowledge.

    Safety Measures:

    Prioritize locations with a strong emphasis on safety. A destination that adheres to safety standards, provides rescue services, and prioritizes student well-being is crucial for a positive learning experience.

    Proximity to an Airport:

    Choosing a location near an airport reduces travel time and simplifies logistics, making it easier for learners to reach their destination quickly.

    By considering these factors, you can identify a destination that aligns with your preferences and offers an optimal environment for learning kitesurfing. It’s recommended to research specific locations based on these criteria to find the ideal spot for your kitesurfing journey.


    Kitesurfing can be a safe sport when practiced with proper instruction, adherence to safety guidelines, and awareness of the environment. However, like any adventure sport, there are inherent risks, and safety precautions are crucial. Here are key factors to consider regarding the safety of kitesurfing:

    1. Professional Instruction:

      • Learning from certified and experienced instructors is essential for acquiring the necessary skills and safety knowledge. Professional instruction helps beginners understand how to control the kite, handle the board, and respond to changing conditions.
    2. Safety Gear:

      • Wearing the right safety gear is crucial in kitesurfing. This includes a harness, life jacket, helmet, and sometimes protective footwear. These items provide protection and buoyancy in case of falls or accidents.
    3. Weather Conditions:

      • Being aware of and understanding weather conditions is vital. Kitesurfers should avoid extreme weather situations, such as storms or unpredictable wind patterns, as they can pose serious risks.
    4. Location Awareness:

      • Choosing suitable locations for kitesurfing is important. Beginners should practice in areas with shallow water and minimal obstacles. Avoid crowded beaches and areas with strong currents.
    5. Responsible Kiting:

      • Practicing responsible kiting involves respecting other beachgoers, water users, and wildlife. Following established rules and guidelines helps ensure the safety of everyone in the vicinity.
    6. Emergency Procedures:

      • Knowing and practicing emergency procedures is essential. This includes understanding how to activate safety systems on the kite, performing self-rescue techniques, and signaling for assistance if needed.
    7. Continuous Learning:

      • Kitesurfing skills can always be improved. Continuous learning and staying updated on safety practices contribute to ongoing safety in the sport.
    8. Physical Fitness:

      • Maintaining good physical fitness is beneficial for kitesurfers. Strength and endurance contribute to better control of the kite and board, reducing the risk of fatigue-related incidents.

    While kitesurfing can be safe under the right conditions, it’s important to acknowledge the risks and take appropriate precautions. Beginners should invest time in proper training, and even experienced kitesurfers should stay vigilant and prioritize safety. Adhering to guidelines, respecting the environment, and being aware of one’s abilities and limits all contribute to a safer kitesurfing experience


    Kitesurfing is a physically demanding sport that requires a certain level of fitness, coordination, and comfort in the water. While many people can learn and enjoy kitesurfing, it may not be suitable for everyone. Here are some factors to consider:

    1. Physical Fitness:

      • Kitesurfing involves elements of strength, endurance, and balance. Individuals with a reasonable level of physical fitness are better equipped to handle the physical demands of the sport.
    2. Comfort in the Water:

      • Being comfortable in the water is essential for kitesurfing, as it often takes place in the ocean or other bodies of water. Basic swimming skills and water confidence are advantageous.
    3. Coordination:

      • Kitesurfing requires good coordination between flying the kite and maneuvering the board. Individuals with a sense of balance and coordination may find it easier to pick up the skills.
    4. Health Considerations:

      • Individuals with certain health conditions, such as heart problems or respiratory issues, should consult with a medical professional before attempting kitesurfing. Additionally, injuries or physical limitations may affect one’s ability to participate.
    5. Age:

      • While there isn’t a strict age limit for learning kitesurfing, it may be more challenging for very young children or older individuals. Some schools may have age restrictions, and it’s important to follow their guidelines.
    6. Commitment to Learning:

      • Learning kitesurfing requires time, patience, and commitment. Individuals who are willing to invest in proper training and practice are more likely to succeed and enjoy the sport.
    7. Risk Tolerance:

      • Kitesurfing involves some level of risk, as it is an adventure sport practiced in dynamic environments. Individuals should have a reasonable level of risk tolerance and be willing to follow safety guidelines.

    Before starting kitesurfing, it’s advisable to take lessons from certified instructors. They can assess your abilities, provide proper training, and guide you through the learning process. If you have any health concerns or pre-existing conditions, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before taking up kitesurfing.

    Ultimately, while kitesurfing is accessible to many people, individual readiness and willingness to invest time and effort into learning play significant roles in determining one’s success in the sport.


    Age is not necessarily a barrier to learning kitesurfing. Many individuals of various ages have successfully taken up the sport and enjoyed it. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

    1. Physical Fitness:

      • While age alone is not a limitation, physical fitness becomes more crucial as one gets older. Kitesurfing requires a certain level of strength, endurance, and flexibility. If you are in good physical condition, you may find it easier to handle the physical demands of the sport.
    2. Health Considerations:

      • Individuals with pre-existing health conditions should consult with a medical professional before taking up kitesurfing. Certain health issues may affect your ability to participate safely.
    3. Learning Patience:

      • Learning any new sport, including kitesurfing, requires patience and commitment. If you are willing to invest time in proper training and practice, age is less of a factor.
    4. Adaptability:

      • Being open to new experiences and willing to adapt to new skills is important. Kitesurfing involves learning to control a kite, balance on a board, and navigate in the water, which may require some adjustment, regardless of age.
    5. Proper Instruction:

      • Taking lessons from certified and experienced instructors is crucial. They can tailor their teaching methods to suit your learning style and provide guidance based on your individual capabilities.

    It’s not uncommon for individuals in their 40s, 50s, and beyond to take up kitesurfing successfully. The key is to approach it with a positive mindset, commit to proper training, and be aware of your physical limitations. Always follow safety guidelines, start with beginner-friendly conditions, and progress at a pace that suits your comfort level.

    If you’re considering learning kitesurfing and have any concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a kitesurfing instructor and, if necessary, your healthcare provider to ensure that you can engage in the sport safely.



    Kitesurfing, like any adventure sport, comes with inherent risks. It’s crucial for participants to be aware of these dangers and take appropriate precautions to ensure a safe experience. Here are some potential dangers associated with kitesurfing:

    1. Uncontrolled Kite:

      • One of the primary risks in kitesurfing is losing control of the kite. This can happen due to wind gusts, equipment malfunctions, or mistakes in kite handling. An uncontrolled kite can lead to accidents and injuries.
    2. Collisions:

      • Collisions with other kitesurfers, water users, or obstacles (rocks, piers, boats) pose a risk. Being aware of your surroundings and following proper right-of-way rules helps minimize the risk of collisions.
    3. Strong Winds:

      • While wind is necessary for kitesurfing, excessively strong winds can lead to difficult and dangerous conditions. Wind gusts can catch inexperienced riders off guard, potentially causing accidents.
    4. Equipment Failure:

      • Malfunctions or failure of kitesurfing equipment, such as lines, harnesses, or safety systems, can be hazardous. Regular equipment maintenance and thorough pre-session checks are essential to reduce the risk of failures.
    5. Inadequate Training:

      • Lack of proper training and instruction is a significant danger. Beginners who attempt kitesurfing without proper guidance may struggle to control the kite and board, leading to accidents.
    6. Weather Conditions:

      • Adverse weather conditions, such as storms, lightning, or unpredictable wind patterns, can pose serious risks. It’s crucial to check weather forecasts and avoid kitesurfing in unsafe conditions.
    7. Landing on Hard Surfaces:

      • Falls or being dragged onshore can result in injuries, especially if the rider lands on hard surfaces like rocks or concrete. Learning to perform controlled landings and practicing self-rescue techniques is essential.
    8. Strap Injuries:

      • Straps on the board can cause injuries if not properly adjusted. A sudden release or change in direction can lead to twisting injuries if the feet are securely strapped to the board.
    9. Physical Fatigue:

      • Kitesurfing can be physically demanding. Fatigue can compromise a rider’s ability to make sound decisions and react quickly, increasing the risk of accidents.
    10. Ocean Hazards:

      • Presence of marine life, strong currents, and unpredictable water conditions can add to the challenges. Riders should be aware of potential hazards and choose suitable locations for their skill level.

    To mitigate these dangers, it’s crucial for kitesurfers to:

    • Take lessons from certified instructors.
    • Follow safety guidelines and rules.
    • Use well-maintained equipment.
    • Be aware of weather conditions.
    • Progress gradually based on skill level.
    • Wear appropriate safety gear.

    By being mindful of these risks and adopting safe practices, kitesurfers can enjoy the sport with reduced chances of accidents or injuries.


    While it’s technically possible to try to teach yourself how to kitesurf, it is strongly discouraged and considered unsafe. Kitesurfing involves handling powerful equipment, understanding wind dynamics, and mastering specific techniques for both kite control and board riding. Without proper guidance, attempting to learn kitesurfing on your own can lead to serious safety risks and complications. Here are several reasons why self-teaching is not recommended:

    1. Safety Concerns:

      • Kitesurfing involves powerful kites that can generate significant pull. Without proper instruction, you may struggle to control the kite, leading to accidents, injuries, or collisions.
    2. Risk of Uncontrolled Kite Movement:

      • Lack of experience in controlling the kite can result in unpredictable movements, making it challenging to navigate safely. An uncontrolled kite can cause harm to yourself and others.
    3. Equipment Handling:

      • Properly rigging and handling kitesurfing equipment requires specific knowledge. Incorrect setup or misuse of equipment can lead to accidents, equipment damage, or failure.
    4. Understanding Wind Conditions:

      • Kitesurfing is highly dependent on wind conditions. Without proper training, you may struggle to assess wind patterns, increasing the risk of being caught in challenging situations.
    5. Lack of Emergency Response Skills:

      • Knowing how to perform self-rescue and respond to emergency situations is crucial in kitesurfing. Without proper instruction, you may not be prepared to handle unexpected challenges.
    6. Difficulty in Board Riding:

      • Learning to ride the board and navigate the water is a skill that requires guidance. Attempting to do so without proper instruction can result in frustration and limited progress.
    7. Legal and Environmental Considerations:

      • Many kitesurfing locations have specific rules and regulations. Ignoring these guidelines may not only compromise your safety but also lead to legal consequences and impact the environment.
    8. Progression Challenges:

      • Kitesurfing involves a progression from basic skills to more advanced maneuvers. Attempting to skip foundational steps can hinder your overall development as a kitesurfer.

    To learn kitesurfing safely and effectively, it is highly recommended to take lessons from certified instructors at reputable kitesurfing schools. Professional instruction ensures that you acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and safety practices to enjoy the sport with confidence. Kitesurfing schools provide a structured learning environment, hands-on experience, and guidance tailored to your skill level, significantly reducing the risks associated with self-teaching.


    Kitesurfing is often described as addictive for a variety of reasons, combining the thrill of the sport with other physical and psychological factors. Here are some reasons why kitesurfing can become highly addictive:

    1. Adrenaline Rush:

      • Kitesurfing provides an intense adrenaline rush, especially during high-speed rides, jumps, and maneuvers. The combination of wind, water, and the sensation of gliding over waves creates an exhilarating experience that many find addictive.
    2. Sense of Freedom:

      • The feeling of harnessing the power of the wind and being propelled across the water gives kitesurfers a unique sense of freedom. The ability to explore vast stretches of open water adds to the allure of the sport.
    3. Connection with Nature:

      • Kitesurfing takes place in natural environments like oceans and lakes, providing a close connection with nature. The constant interaction with the elements, such as wind and water, contributes to a profound and addictive experience.
    4. Constant Learning Curve:

      • Kitesurfing has a steep learning curve, and there’s always something new to master or improve upon. The challenge of progressing through different skill levels and learning new maneuvers keeps enthusiasts engaged and motivated.
    5. Social Aspect:

      • Kitesurfing often creates a strong sense of community. Being part of a community that shares a passion for the sport, exchanging tips, and sharing experiences can enhance the overall enjoyment and contribute to the addictive nature of kitesurfing.
    6. Varied Conditions:

      • Kitesurfing can be adapted to various conditions, from calm, flat-water locations to challenging, wave-rich environments. The ability to experience different conditions and adapt the sport to one’s preferences adds variety and excitement.
    7. Mindfulness and Focus:

      • Kitesurfing requires a high level of focus and mindfulness. The need to concentrate on kite control, board riding, and environmental factors can provide a meditative and absorbing experience, contributing to the addictive nature.
    8. Physical Fitness and Well-Being:

      • Kitesurfing is a full-body workout that engages muscles and improves cardiovascular fitness. The positive impact on physical health, combined with the satisfaction of progressing in the sport, can contribute to addiction.
    9. Travel Opportunities:

      • Kitesurfing can take enthusiasts to beautiful locations around the world. The prospect of exploring new destinations and experiencing different kiteboarding conditions adds an element of adventure that many find irresistible.
    10. Unique Sensations:

      • The unique sensation of riding on the water, being lifted into the air during jumps, and experiencing the power of the kite creates a sensory experience that is hard to replicate in other sports.

    The combination of these factors makes kitesurfing a highly addictive and rewarding activity for those who embrace the sport. The constant pursuit of improvement, the thrill of the ride, and the sense of community all contribute to the magic of kitesurfing.


    Elevate Your Kitesurfing Adventure with Premium Rental Gear​ with Kite Voodoo, Rent High performance Ozone Kites Big-air, Foil, Strapless,... You define the limits!

    Considering buying kitesurf equipment new or used but you don´t know what is the best choice? Looking for a 1st kite or to replace one you have?

    So whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned pro rider seeking a fresh addition to your quiver, this guide will explain all the things you must know to assure you have the best experience buying  your kites.

    A Quest for the Perfect Gear

    I´ve embarked on countless journeys in search of the perfect kites. From the exhilaration of unwrapping a  brand-new one to the treasure hunts of second hand kites and I experienced it all, the highs of discovering exceptional gear and the lows of regrettable choices.

    What is the purpose of your next kite?

    At KiteVoodoo, we understand that the choice between a new or second-hand kite involves more than just price considerations. It’s about finding the perfect balance between quality, performance, and the unique character that each kite brings. So lets look in to detail at the different type of kites on the market to help you find the perfect fit.

    Kite shapes & their purposes

    Kitesurfing requires not just skill but an understanding of the dynamics of sails that harness the power of the wind. Each kite shape has purposeful design, influencing your ride.

    Top 10 kitesurfing spots in europe - KiteVoodoo - Ozone kites

    Big Air Kites

    As the name suggests, big air kitesurf sails are engineered for one thing—Boosting heights. These sails prioritize power and lift, propelling riders into massive jumps and providing extended hang time. Big air kites deliver an unmatched flight experience

    Wave Kites

    Wave kitesurf sails are the maestros of maneuverability. Tailored for riders conquering the waves, these sails boast a drift-focused design, are super fast and there rotation point is very central for small fast loops. Their ability to maintain stability while riding the dynamic waters makes them essential for kitesurfers who find their joy in the art of wave riding.

    best wave kite Reo ozone kite voodoo
    How to choose second hand kite equipment, all the tips with Kitevoodoo

    All round kites

    Much like a Swiss Army knife of the kite world, the all-rounder kite is designed to excel in various conditions, making it the go-to choice for riders seeking adaptability and performance across the spectrum.

    Built with a combination of stability, responsiveness, and power, the all-rounder kite is crafted to handle everything from calm waters to challenging waves. Its hybrid design strikes a balance between user-friendly features for beginners and performance capabilities that appeal to more advanced riders. Whether you’re exploring new tricks, cruising through waves, or simply enjoying a leisurely ride, the all-rounder kite is your reliable companion.

    Beginner Kites

    Built with simplicity in mind, beginner kites feature user-friendly designs that facilitate a smooth learning curve. Their forgiving nature allows novices to grasp fundamental skills, from basic kite control to initiating those initial exhilarating rides on the water. With emphasis on safety features and ease of relaunch, these kites provide a secure platform for beginners to build confidence and progress steadily.


    Second hand kites are a great option especially if your looking to save money. Take your time, find the youngest and less used kite out there to do the best deal! Here are all the things to check and know before buy a second hand kite.

    second hand kitesurfing gear

    second hand kite

    check lines and connection points

    What to consider before buying a second hand kite:

    When considering the purchase of a second-hand kite, it’s important to know a few more things:

    1. Brand reputation:

    2. How was the gear used and by who:

    3. Who is the seller:

    4. Can it be sold again:

    check canopy for repairs

    check the canopy when buying a second hand kite

    check bladder & struts for repairs

    What to check before buying a second hand kite:

    It’s crucial to thoroughly assess its condition to ensure you’re getting a reliable and safe piece of equipment. 

    Here’s a checklist of important things to check before buying a second-hand kite:

    1. Overall Condition:

      • Inspect the kite for any visible signs of wear, tears, or damage on both the canopy and leading edge.
    2. Bladders:

      • Check the integrity of the bladder by inflating it and ensuring there are no leaks or visible damage.
      • Look for any repairs on the bladders and make sure they are well-done and airtight.
    3. Lines and Bridles:

      • Examine the lines and bridles for wear, knots, or fraying.
      • Ensure that all lines are of equal length and undamaged.
      • Check the pulley systems for smooth operation.
    4. Bar and Lines:

      • Inspect the control bar for any signs of wear, including grip condition and depower lines.
      • Check the safety release system to ensure it functions correctly.
    5. Kite Bag:

      • Ensure the kite comes with a suitable, undamaged bag for storage and transportation.
    6. Check for Previous Repairs:

      • Inquire about any previous repairs and inspect them to ensure they were professionally done.
      • Be cautious if there are multiple repairs, especially in critical areas.
    7. Year and Model:

      • Determine the year and model of the kite to assess its technology and features compared to newer models.
    8. Inflation and Deflation:

      • Inflate the kite to check for air retention and proper inflation.
      • Check the deflation process to ensure it is smooth and without any issues.
    9. Check the Bridle Attachment Points:

      • Inspect the bridle attachment points on the leading edge for any signs of stress or damage.
    10. Test Fly (if possible):

      • If feasible, test fly the kite in appropriate wind conditions to assess its performance and feel.
    11. Ask for Maintenance Records:

      • If available, inquire about the maintenance history of the kite, including any regular inspections or repairs.
    12. Research the Brand and Model:

      • Conduct research on the brand and specific model of the kite to understand its reputation and any common issues.

    Remember, buying a second-hand kite can be a great way to save money, but thorough inspection is key to ensuring you get a kite that meets your safety and performance standards. If in doubt about any aspect, seek advice from experienced kiteboarders or professionals in the field.

    check how the kite fly

    check the bar


    We understand that choosing a new kite involves more than just picking one off the shelf,it’s about finding the perfect winged companion that aligns with your style, skill level, and the goals you aspire to reach.

    From cutting-edge technologies to the latest design innovations, our guide is crafted to empower you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision. Check out my personal favorite kite in this video.

    Which kite brand should i buy ?

    There are several good kite brands on the market these days. Before buying gear, gather as much information as you can find on the potential kite brands you are ready to spend your money on. Look at there reputation, there innovations, their environmental production impact, their rankings in competitions,  pro riders kites and of course the PRICE tag!…

    Kite Brands presentation:

    1. Ozone Kites

    Ozone is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Kites and Paragliders, created around a dedicated team of passionate riders and pilots that share the same outstanding passion for nature, exciting sports and progress. They are in constant research for innovations and performance and their production method is the most respectful for the environment with the production starting when order is placed. 

    Other brands over-production increases devaluation of the second hand market due to their massive sales.

    best big air kite ozone edge pro rider len10

    3. Slingshot

    For more than two decades, Slingshot Sports has been leading the charge in design and development of the world’s finest watersports essentials for Kite, Wake, Wing, Foil, Windsurf, and SUP. They thrive on sharing there products with the global crew of wind/water addicts and keeping the spirit of positivity and progression alive on the water.

    5. F one

    Since 1994, Fone work very hard, not only to produce the most advanced technical products but also to create the most enjoyable gear that will allow all riders feel the thrill of riding.

    The ocean is our playground, equipment is our passion, fun is our goal!

    Over the past years i´ve been lucky to own, use and try many different kites, testing their durability, resistance, performance and getting many riders feed back.

     All kites are fragile, what ever brand, so take care of them if you want them to last longer! They prefer to be in the air rather than in the water, they hate U.V so better not leave them sitting on the beach when not using them, and cleaning them is not always good… 

    That said, for me it comes down to these 3 important aspect: 1. performance, 2. price, 3. environmental impact. Those are the main reasons why I buy Ozone kites for my business but also for myself!

    The Best Festivals In Viana Do Castelo

    As outdoor lovers we also love outdoor events like festivals! So we bring you our selection of The best summer festivals in Viana do Castelo.

    Which Festival will you choose to be your next time out? Have Fun!


    Nestled along the picturesque coastline of Northern Portugal, Viana do Castelo is not only known for its stunning landscapes, beaches and rich history but also for its lively and colorful festivals. Each year, the town comes alive with a tapestry of traditions, music, and celebrations that showcase its vibrant culture. Here are some of the best festivals in Viana do Castelo that you won’t want to miss.

    1.Romaria de Nossa Senhora d'Agonia(Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Agony):



    What ?

    culture, music

    When ?


    must See

    Sunday fireworks

    summer festival in Viana do Castelo

    The Romaria de Nossa Senhora d’Agonia is Viana do Castelo’s most famous and celebrated festival. Held in August, it’s a vibrant and colorful event that blends religious devotion with cultural exuberance. The streets are adorned with intricate flower carpets, and the locals don traditional costumes, adding to the festival’s visual splendor.

    festas viana

    This multi-day event features processions, folklore performances, concerts, dance performances and a magnificent fireworks display are all part of this immersive experience. It’s a fantastic opportunity to soak in the festive spirit and indulge in traditional Portuguese festa.

    2. Viana Bate Forte (Music Festival):


    8 y

    What ?

    evening live concert

    When ?


    must See

    Live Music by the Lima River

    For music lovers, the Viana Bate Forte music festival is a must-visit. This event, typically held in July, features an impressive lineup of national and international artists across various music genres. It’s an opportunity to enjoy live music in a stunning outdoor setting, adding a contemporary twist to Viana do Castelo’s cultural offerings

    3. Medieval Fair:



    What ?

    market, shows

    When ?


    must See

    look for the birds of prey

    medievil fair viana do castelo - KiteVoodoo

    Step back in time during the annual Medieval Fair, where the town transforms into a medieval wonderland. Local actors and artisans bring history to life with reenactments, medieval markets, and a festive atmosphere. This event offers a unique opportunity to experience the town’s medieval heritage.

    4. Neopop Electronic Music Festival:


    18 +

    What ?

    Music Festival

    When ?

    Beginning of August

    must See

    main scene

    neo po elctronic music festival viana do castelo

    For electronic music enthusiasts, the Neopop Festival is an absolute must. This annual event takes place in Viana do Castelo and is known for its cutting-edge electronic music lineup. Neopop attracts both national and international DJs and producers, making it a prominent fixture on the electronic music festival calendar.

    The festival showcases a diverse range of electronic music genres, from techno and house to experimental sounds. With its captivating light shows and impressive sound systems, Neopop promises an unforgettable audiovisual experience.

    Dance the night away by the sea, under the starry Northern Portuguese sky, and immerse yourself in the pulsating beats of Neopop. The festival combines the beauty of Viana do Castelo’s coastal setting with the energy of electronic music, creating a unique and electrifying atmosphere that’s sure to leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re a die-hard electronic music fan or simply looking to revel in the festival spirit, Neopop is the place to be for a transcendent musical journey.

    More info here

    5. Viana do Castelo Jazz Festival:



    What ?

    Quality Live Jazz Concert

    When ?

    End of July

    must See

    Jazz live Praça da Erva

    For lovers of smooth melodies and soulful tunes, the Viana do Castelo Jazz Festival is the perfect addition to your summer festival calendar. Typically held in July, this event brings together some of the finest jazz musicians and bands for a series of captivating performances.

    The Viana do Castelo Jazz Festival takes advantage of the town’s scenic settings, hosting open-air concerts that create a magical ambiance. Whether you’re a jazz aficionado or just looking to unwind to the soothing sounds of saxophones and pianos, this festival offers a unique and relaxed musical experience.

    With its intimate atmosphere and a lineup that features a blend of local talent and renowned jazz artists, the Viana do Castelo Jazz Festival is a delightful way to enjoy an evening under the stars, savoring the enchanting rhythms of jazz in this charming Portuguese town.

    6. Holy Week Celebrations(easter):



    What ?

    religious celebration

    When ?


    must See

    Salt decoration

    Viana do Castelo’s Holy Week celebrations are marked by solemn processions and religious events. The town’s historical churches and chapels come alive with fervent prayers and traditional rituals during this significant period. It’s a time when the town’s religious devotion is most vividly on display.

    7. Santos Populares (Popular Saints Festival):



    What ?

    popular party

    When ?


    must See

    illuminated streets


    Throughout the month of June, the streets of Viana do Castelo come alive with the vibrant Santos Populares, or Popular Saints Festival. This is a time when the town pays homage to three important saints: St. Anthony, St. John, and St. Peter.

    The festival is marked by lively processions, colorful decorations, and a joyful atmosphere. The streets are adorned with lanterns, flowers, and garlands, creating a festive and enchanting ambiance. People dress in traditional attire, and the aroma of sardines being grilled fills the air as families and friends come together for street parties.

    Music and dance are an integral part of Santos Populares, with traditional Portuguese folk music and fado performances. The highlight of the festival is the traditional “Marchas Populares” or popular marches, where neighborhood groups showcase their creativity and dance routines.

    Santos Populares is a time of unity and celebration, where locals and visitors join in the merriment, making it a unique cultural experience in Viana do Castelo. The warmth and friendliness of the locals, combined with the festive spirit, make this festival a delightful celebration of Portuguese traditions.

    8. São João (St. John's Festival):



    What ?

    popular party

    When ?

    End of June

    must See

    Try the grilled sardines

    June brings São João, a festival celebrated throughout Portugal. In Viana do Castelo, it’s marked by lively street parties, traditional dancing, and the famous “martelinhos,” small hammers used to playfully tap people on the head. Grilling sardines is a traditional part of the celebration, and you’ll often find outdoor grills lining the streets, filling the air with the delicious aroma of cooking fish. São João is a time of joy and camaraderie, and Viana do Castelo’s celebrations are particularly lively.

    9. Flower Festival:



    What ?


    When ?


    must See


    Viana flower festival
    Viana flower festival 1

    Embrace the blooming beauty of Viana do Castelo during the Flower Festival, a mesmerizing celebration of nature’s vibrant colors and the town’s artistic spirit. Usually held in the spring or early summer, this festival transforms the streets into a kaleidoscope of floral wonders, creating a magical and fragrant atmosphere.

    One of the highlights of the Flower Festival is the creation of large-scale floral sculptures that grace public spaces. These sculptures showcase the incredible talent and creativity of the local community, depicting everything from mythical creatures to cultural symbols. Each piece is a masterpiece, contributing to the overall charm of the festival.

    The Flower Festival not only celebrates the beauty of nature but also serves as a testament to the town’s commitment to artistic expression and community collaboration.

    Whether you’re a flower enthusiast, a photography enthusiast, or someone seeking a delightful sensory experience, Viana in Bloom – Flower Festival promises a visual feast that transforms the town into a blooming haven, showcasing the harmonious relationship between art, nature, and community.

    10. Feiras Novas (Ponte de Lima):



    What ?

    Folklore, Food, Live Music

    When ?

    Begining of Sept.

    must see

    Cows beauty competition

    feiras novas viana do castelo

    This one isn´t in Viana but a 30min drive away in Ponte de Lima the oldest town in Portugal! So, held in September, the Feiras Novas is another major festival that captivates both locals and visitors. It’s a grand celebration of local culture and includes religious processions, traditional music, and dance performances. Bullfights, fairgrounds, and a grand fireworks display add to the excitement.

    KiteVoodoo´s favourite festival

    Viana do Castelo’s festivals are a testament to the town’s rich cultural heritage and its vibrant community spirit. Whether you’re drawn to religious traditions, music, dance, or historical reenactments, there’s a festival in Viana do Castelo that will capture your heart and immerse you in the region’s authentic culture. Our favourite Festival in Viana do Castelo is the NEO-POP and its intense electro music! we hear it from the beach while we ride !

    Click here to discover: The 10 best kitesurfing spots in Portugal.


    Spot: kite voodoo - praia do cabedelo, kitesurfing dream spot.

    As outdoor lovers we bring you our selection of 10 best outdoor activities to do around Porto.

    Which activity will you choose to be your next adventure? Have Fun!




    from 12







    Best air temperature, water temperature, wind direction, best kitesurfing spot in Portugal near Porto, Viana do Castelo, praia do Cabedelo, kitesurfing school - KiteVoodoo

    Our guide “Best outdoor activities Porto” has to start with our favorite activity, Kitesurfing!! Check out our article about the 10 best kitesurfing spots in Portugal

    The best place for kitesurfing in Portugal but also in Europe and probably in the world is Viana do Castelo! Its a hidden paradise for kitesurfers less than 1 hour from Porto. The town is nestled between the Lima River and the Atlantic Ocean, creating unique wind conditions for kitesurfing. With consistent winds and spacious sandy beaches, this location offers an ideal playground for kitesurfers of all levels.

    One of the standout spots in Viana do Castelo is Cabedelo Beach spot, which has become a hub for kitesurfing and other water sports. This is a perfect location for beginners to start learning kitesurf or wing, you can find several schools along the beach. The blend of thrilling kitesurfing sessions and stunning views of Viana’s historic town and its iconic Sanctuary of Santa Luzia creates a truly unique experience.

    Also great spot for foiling, wave riding and big air,  you will find easily all the gear you wish at a rental service.

    Viana also boasts delectable cuisine, read here our article about the best restaurants in Viana, bars, skate parks, wakeboarding facilities, scenic bike rides, picturesque walking trails and numerous cultural attractions. It’s a city that caters to all tastes and interests, offering the perfect blend of adventure and culture.

    More info on the official portuguese tourism web site:…Click here…

    And for more info on the official portuguese tourism web site, click here.

    2. CYCLING


    from 8






    good legs

    For cycling enthusiasts and adventure seekers, the charming landscapes of Northern Portugal offers a treasure trove of biking trails that are conveniently within an hour’s drive from the bustling city of Porto.

    1. Douro Valley Vineyards (Approx. 45 minutes from Porto): 

    Hop on your bike and head to the Douro Valley, famous for its terraced vineyards and meandering river. The scenic roads winding through this UNESCO World Heritage site provide the perfect backdrop for a leisurely ride. Immerse yourself in the lush greenery, visit local wineries for a wine-tasting break, and soak in the stunning views of the Douro River.

    2. Ecopista do Tâmega (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Ecopista do Tâmega is a converted railway line that offers a fantastic cycling experience in the heart of Northern Portugal. As you pedal along this scenic path, you’ll be surrounded by lush forests, charming villages, and the Tâmega River. The relatively flat terrain makes it suitable for cyclists of all levels, making it a delightful day trip from Porto.

    3. Guimarães and Its Surroundings (Approx. 45 minutes from Porto): 

    Guimarães, a historic town known as the “Birthplace of Portugal,” is a fantastic starting point for exploring the lush countryside and charming villages of the Minho region. As you cycle through the rolling hills, you’ll encounter ancient castles, picturesque churches, and beautiful landscapes. The journey is not just about cycling but also a cultural immersion in the history of Portugal.

    4. Senhora da Graça (Approx. 1 hour from Porto): 

    For more experienced cyclists seeking a challenge, the iconic climb to Senhora da Graça is a must. This legendary ascent was featured in the Tour de Portugal and offers breathtaking views of the region. The ascent may be demanding, but the sense of accomplishment and the stunning views make it all worth it.

    5. Litoral Norte Natural Park (Approx. 45 minutes from Porto): 

    If you prefer coastal routes, the Litoral Norte Natural Park beckons with its beautiful Atlantic coastline. Ride along scenic coastal paths, breathe in the salty sea breeze, and pause to enjoy pristine beaches and charming fishing villages.

    6. Cycling Around Viana do Castelo (Approx. 1 hour from Porto): 

    Viana do Castelo and its surroundings offer a plethora of cycling opportunities that are easily accessible from Porto. As you explore the town, you can follow scenic coastal routes that lead to pristine beaches, such as Praia da Amorosa and Praia da Cabedelo.If you’re up for a challenge, pedal your way to the Santuário de Santa Luzia, a hilltop basilica that provides panoramic views of the town and the Lima River.

    Moreover, Viana do Castelo serves as an excellent starting point for cycling enthusiasts interested in the Minho region’s rolling hills and picturesque villages. Riding along the river Lima through quaint towns like Ponte de Lima, known for its medieval charm and the iconic Roman bridge. The routes here offer a mix of natural beauty and cultural exploration.

    With Viana do Castelo as your cycling hub, you can create your own adventures or join guided tours that cater to various skill levels. The diverse landscapes, from coastal paths to inland hills, promise a fulfilling cycling experience.

    No matter your cycling skill level, Northern Portugal has a route that suits your preferences and abilities. So, grab your bike, gear up, and set out on an unforgettable cycling adventure, all within an hour’s drive from the vibrant city of Porto. Get ready to pedal your way through the stunning landscapes and rich culture of this remarkable region!

    Check out Komoot page and app for more cycling roads and tips.

    3. SURF


    from 6




    all Year



    If your a passionate surfer or someone eager to catch their very first wave? Look no further than the captivating coast of Northern Portugal, which offers some of the best surf spots just a short drive from Porto. With a rich mix of breathtaking landscapes, consistent swells, and a vibrant surf culture, this region is a paradise for wave riders of all levels.

    1. Matosinhos Beach: 

    Just 20 minutes from Porto, Matosinhos Beach is a mecca for surf enthusiasts. This urban beach is renowned for its consistent waves and is home to several surf schools that cater to both beginners and experienced surfers. The backdrop of Matosinhos offers a lively atmosphere, with numerous restaurants and beachside bars where you can refuel and relax after your surf sessions.

    2. Espinho: 

    Drive 30 minutes south of Porto, and you’ll arrive in the charming town of Espinho. Here, you’ll discover a mix of sandy and rocky beaches, providing various surf breaks suitable for different skill levels. With a well-established surf community, you can easily rent equipment and find professional instructors to help you improve your skills.

    3. Praia de Ofir:

    Heading north from Porto for about an hour will take you to Praia de Ofir, a stunning beach nestled in a natural park. This spot is famous for its consistent, powerful waves that attract surfers from all around. With the added bonus of stunning dunes and pine forests, it’s a perfect place to reconnect with nature while riding the waves.

    4. Viana do Castelo:

    An hour’s drive from Porto, Viana do Castelo offers a range of surf spots suitable for different experience levels. From the mellow waves at Praia do Cabedelo to the more challenging breaks at Praia Luzia mar, there’s something for everyone. This historic town is also a great place to explore and unwind after your surf sessions. This spot is part of the surf city network, with it’s wave considered one of the best to learn and practice surfing in Portugal. Be aware that wind and kitesurfers start on this spot around 12 during summer season. So surf in the morning and kitesurf in the afternoon!

    5. Peniche (just over an hour from Porto):

    If you’re willing to venture a bit farther, consider a day trip to Peniche. While it’s just over an hour from Porto, Peniche is one of Portugal’s most renowned surf destinations. Its consistent, world-class waves draw surfers from across the globe. You’ll find numerous surf camps, surf shops, and a vibrant surf community here.

    No matter your skill level, there’s a surf spot around Northern Portugal that suits your needs. Just a short drive from Porto, you can immerse yourself in the beauty of the Portuguese coastline while riding the thrilling waves of the Atlantic Ocean. So, grab your board and wetsuit, and get ready to experience the thrill of surfing in this incredible part of the world. Northern Portugal has all the ingredients for an unforgettable surf adventure!



    from 6







    Looking to recharge your mind and body in the most tranquil setting, look no further than the pristine beach of Viana do Castelo.

    This beach yoga destinations within a short drive from Porto offer a unique opportunity to harmonize your practice with the serene beauty of the Atlantic coast. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting your journey, the morning practice offered by Ocean Yoga will change your day! Its the ideal escape to find peace and balance while surrounded by the natural wonders of

    So, unroll your mat, breathe in the sea air, and let the soothing waves guide you towards inner tranquility and well-being.

    Visit Ocean Yoga web page for more info about the yoga class.



    from 12







    Northern Portugal isn’t just famous for its stunning beaches and lush landscapes; it’s also home to some of the most exhilarating canyoning experiences that will leave your heart racing. If you’re eager to explore the untamed beauty of the region while taking on thrilling canyoning adventures, you’re in for a treat. The best part? You can access these stunning canyons within a two-hour drive from Porto.

    1. Gerês National Park (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Nestled within the breathtaking Gerês National Park, canyoning enthusiasts can discover an array of pristine canyons that cater to all skill levels. From beginner-friendly descents with smaller waterfalls and natural pools to more advanced routes with towering cascades, Gerês offers a diverse canyoning playground. Be sure to book a guided tour to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in this remarkable natural setting.

    2. Arouca Geopark (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Arouca Geopark, known for its dramatic landscapes, provides the perfect backdrop for canyoning adventures. Explore canyons like Rio Frades and Rio Urtigas, which offer a mix of rappelling, swimming, and jumping. The geopark’s unique geological formations will make your canyoning experience even more extraordinary.

    3. Vila Real (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Just a short drive from Porto, the canyons near Vila Real offer a mix of challenges and breathtaking scenery. Canyons like Ribeira de Pena and Rio Oura promise exciting descents through stunning gorges, crystal-clear pools, and waterfalls. Guided tours are readily available to help you navigate these beautiful but demanding canyoning routes.

    Whether you’re a seasoned canyoning pro or a beginner looking to take the plunge, Northern Portugal offers an array of canyoning experiences within a two-hour drive from Porto. The combination of natural beauty, adrenaline-pumping descents, and expert guides make this region a must-visit destination for canyoning enthusiasts. So, pack your gear, gather your courage, and prepare to immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of canyoning in Northern Portugal!

    6. HIKING


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    all Year


    walk good

    With its diverse landscapes and rich history, Northern Portugal is a paradise for hikers seeking to explore pristine nature. What’s even better? You can embark on these hiking adventures within a convenient drive of 1.5 hours or less from Porto. Lace up your hiking boots, grab your backpack, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this captivating region.

    1. Gerês National Park (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Venture into the wild heart of Northern Portugal with a visit to Gerês National Park. This park offers an array of hiking trails, from easy strolls to challenging treks. Explore lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and serene lakes. For a true adventure, hike to the top of Peneda-Gerês, the highest mountain in the area, and savor breathtaking panoramic views.

    2. Serra da Freita (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Serra da Freita, located in the Arouca Geopark, is a hiker’s dream come true. The area boasts a unique combination of rocky landscapes and pristine nature. Don’t miss the chance to trek to the mystical Pedras Parideiras, a geological wonder where you can witness rocks giving birth to new stones. It’s an experience you won’t find anywhere else.

    3. Passadiços do Paiva (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    The Passadiços do Paiva, or Paiva Walkways, offer an unforgettable hike along the banks of the Paiva River. This wooden walkway meanders through lush canyons, picturesque waterfalls, and striking quartzite formations. The trail’s breathtaking beauty and suspension bridges make it a must-do hike for nature lovers.

    4. Viana do Castelo (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Viana do Castelo is not only a coastal gem but also a hiking haven. Explore the Santa Luzia Hill and its magnificent basilica, which provides sweeping views of the town, river, and ocean. Enjoy a mix of nature and culture as you discover charming streets and squares along the way.

    5. Montaria (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    In the quaint village of Montaria, you can embark on a circular hike that leads you through rolling hills, serene vineyards, and cork oak forests. This lesser-known hiking gem offers tranquility and the opportunity to experience the beauty of Northern Portugal’s countryside.

    These hiking destinations near Porto provide an escape from the city’s hustle and bustle, allowing you to reconnect with nature and experience the region’s authentic charm. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, Northern Portugal’s trails offer something for everyone. So, set out on an adventure, breathe in the fresh air, and let the beauty of the region’s natural wonders inspire your next hike.



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    all Year



    Skateboarders and BMX riders, are you ready to carve and pump your way through the exhilarating pump tracks of Northern Portugal? The region is not only known for its breathtaking landscapes but also its top-notch skateparks and pump tracks, all easily accessible within a two-hour drive from Porto. Get your board or bike ready, and prepare for an adrenaline-packed adventure.

    1. Matosinhos Skatepark (Approx. 20 minutes from Porto):

    Kickstart your journey just a short drive from Porto, at Matosinhos Skatepark. This urban haven caters to skateboarders and BMX enthusiasts with a well-designed pump track and street features. The park is equipped with ramps, ledges, and rails for a dynamic riding experience. After an intense session, refuel at the nearby seaside eateries to catch a glimpse of the local surf culture.

    2. Famalicão Skatepark (Approx. 40 minutes from Porto):

    Famalicão Skatepark, located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, is a hotspot for skaters and BMX riders. The park boasts a spacious concrete pump track, a street plaza, and a flowing bowl section. It’s an excellent place to sharpen your skills or simply enjoy a leisurely ride in a welcoming atmosphere.

    3. Viana do Castelo (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Venture a bit farther to Viana do Castelo, where you’ll find a charming coastal town with its own skate scene. The local skatepark offers an exciting pump track, giving you a unique opportunity to skate or ride against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. The cool sea breeze and serene surroundings make for a memorable skate experience.

    4. Barcelos (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Barcelos, a city known for its vibrant history and culture, also houses a fantastic skatepark. The facility includes a versatile pump track, ramps, and a street section. After your session, explore the town’s picturesque historic center and its iconic Rooster of Barcelos statue.

    5. Valongo Skatepark (Approx. 25 minutes from Porto):

    A quick drive east from Porto takes you to Valongo Skatepark, a well-maintained facility that offers a variety of features, including a challenging pump track. Whether you’re into street-style tricks or just love carving on your board, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to get your adrenaline fix here.

    These pump tracks in Northern Portugal provide an opportunity for skaters and BMX riders to experience the region’s stunning landscapes while practicing their skills. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, these parks offer something for everyone, making them a must-visit for anyone seeking thrilling and scenic skate adventures. So, grab your skateboard or BMX, head to these picturesque locations, and let the good times roll.

    8. ZIP LINE


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    All Year



    If your an adventure-seeker in search of an adrenaline rush near Porto, Portugal? Look no further, as Northern Portugal offers an array of exhilarating zip line experiences that will take you to new heights, all within a two-hour drive from the vibrant city. Get ready to zip through the picturesque landscapes of this captivating region.

    1. Pena Aventura Park (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Located in Ribeira de Pena, Pena Aventura Park is a haven for zip line enthusiasts. This park features one of the longest and fastest zip lines in Europe, providing a thrilling ride over the lush Douro Valley. Soar like a bird as you take in breathtaking views of the region’s rolling hills and pristine rivers.

    2. Arouca Geopark (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Arouca Geopark, known for its dramatic landscapes, offers an adrenaline-pumping zip line experience. Suspended high above the lush valleys and the Paiva River, you’ll fly across a majestic landscape and have a bird’s-eye view of the famous Paiva Walkways, a must-visit attraction in the region.

    3. Gerês Canopy (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Gerês National Park, known for its lush forests and stunning natural beauty, offers a zip line adventure at Gerês Canopy. Here, you can zip through the treetops and experience the thrill of flying amid the pristine wilderness. It’s a perfect way to combine adventure and nature in one unforgettable experience.

    4. Europaradise (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Located in Castelo de Paiva, Europaradise is an adventure park that features an exciting zip line course. Soar over the powerful Paiva River, surrounded by scenic landscapes and forests. This thrilling experience will surely get your heart racing.

    5. Póvoa de Lanhoso (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    For a unique zip line adventure, head to Póvoa de Lanhoso, where you can experience the Adrena Adventure Park. This park boasts a combination of zip lines and suspended bridges, making for an exciting high-flying adventure. The views over the rolling hills and lush countryside are simply breathtaking.



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    all Year



    Northern Portugal has some cool cable parks, whether you’re a seasoned wakeboarder or a newbie looking to catch your first ride, these cable parks provide thrilling experiences in stunning surroundings.

    1. Amarante Cable Park (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Nestled amidst the charming town of Amarante, Amarante Cable Park is a cable wakeboarding haven. The park is set in a serene location with cable systems designed for wakeboarding, kneeboarding, and water skiing. Surrounded by the beautiful Tâmega River, it offers riders the opportunity to enjoy both the sport and the picturesque views.

    2. Wake Salto Cable Park (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Situated in the heart of Póvoa de Varzim, Wake Salto Cable Park is an excellent choice for those seeking cable wakeboarding adventures. The park provides both beginner and advanced courses and rental equipment, making it accessible to riders of all levels. With stunning coastal vistas and a lively atmosphere, it’s a great place to hone your skills.

    3. DiverLanhoso Cable Park (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Located in the Peneda-Gerês National Park, DiverLanhoso Cable Park offers a unique cable wakeboarding experience in a pristine natural setting. The park features a cable system that allows riders to explore a lake surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills. After an adrenaline-packed session, you can explore the park’s adventure and leisure activities.

    4. Wake Park Ofir (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Just a short drive from Porto, Wake Park Ofir provides a fantastic setting for cable wakeboarding and other water sports. This park offers a unique experience with multiple cable systems, including a two-tower system and a full-size cable. With the beach nearby, you can enjoy a day of water sports and then relax by the sea.

    5. Aquafix Wake Park (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Nestled in the town of Montalegre, Aquafix Wake Park is a tranquil location for cable wakeboarding enthusiasts. Surrounded by beautiful greenery, this park offers a challenging course for experienced riders as well as opportunities for beginners to learn and enjoy the sport. The unspoiled nature of the region adds an extra layer of charm to your wakeboarding adventure.

    6. Viana do Castelo, Feel Viana Wake Park (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Viana do Castelo, a picturesque coastal town, is home to an exceptional cable park that promises an exciting wakeboarding experience. Situated in a stunning natural setting, Viana do Castelo Cable Park boasts a cable system that allows riders to glide across the serene waters of the Lima River.

    This cable park is perfect for wakeboarding enthusiasts of all levels, from beginners looking to try the sport for the first time to seasoned riders seeking new challenges. The park offers professional instructors and top-notch rental equipment, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the thrill of cable wakeboarding.



    from 8




    all Year



    For rock climbing enthusiasts, the northern region of Portugal is a treasure trove of thrilling routes and breathtaking landscapes, all accessible within a convenient two-hour drive from Porto. From rugged cliffs to limestone formations, this diverse region offers a wide range of rock climbing experiences.

    1. Parque Biológico de Gaia (Approx. 20 minutes from Porto):

    Start your climbing adventure at Parque Biológico de Gaia, a short drive from Porto. The park offers a beginner-friendly outdoor climbing wall that’s perfect for honing your skills. With easy access and beautiful surroundings, it’s an excellent spot to introduce newcomers to the sport.

    2. Serra da Freita (Approx. 1 hour from Porto):

    Venture to Serra da Freita, part of the Arouca Geopark, for more advanced climbing challenges. This region boasts rugged limestone formations, deep gorges, and imposing cliffs that will test even experienced climbers. The area’s unique geology and stunning views make it a must-visit destination for rock climbers.

    4. Valongo Climbing Park (Approx. 30 minutes from Porto):

    For a diverse climbing experience, head to Valongo Climbing Park. Located just a short drive from Porto, this park features various climbing routes that cater to climbers of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced climber, you’ll find a satisfying challenge amidst the lush forests of Valongo.

    5. Pedra Bela Climbing Area (Approx. 1.5 hours from Porto):

    Nestled in the Alvão Natural Park, the Pedra Bela Climbing Area offers a serene and secluded climbing experience. The park features an array of boulders and rock formations, providing a natural playground for climbers. With its tranquil surroundings, it’s an excellent place to connect with nature while pursuing your passion.

    Whether you’re a seasoned climber or just starting your rock climbing journey, Northern Portugal’s climbing destinations provide the ideal combination of thrilling adventure and stunning landscapes. So, gear up, strap on your climbing shoes, and embark on a rock climbing adventure that will take you to new heights in this captivating region, just a short drive from the vibrant city of Porto.

    KiteVoodoo´s favourite best outdoor activities around Porto

    Without doubt our favourite Outdoor activity next to Porto is Kitesurfing!

    We hope this colorful mix of amazing activities will get you out and about! Have Fun!

    Click here to discover: The 10 best kitesurfing spots in Portugal.

    And visit our kitesurf and wing school page for more info about kitesurfing and wing lessons.